Introducing enCommerce and getAccess


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Introducing enCommerce and getAccess

enCommerce Overview

enCommerce Today

Global 2000 Customer Base

enCommerce Partners û Industry and Thought Leaders

Recent Partner Announcements

enCommerce & Sun Microsystems

The Problem

The eBusiness Opportunity

The Race is On à to Deploy Applications

The Race to Deployà Creates Chaos for Key Audiences

The eBusiness Challenge: Managing the Customer Experience

Barriers to eBusiness

The eBusiness Requirement One entrance, personalized for each individual

The eBusiness Requirement: Management Infrastructure for Secure Portals

The eBusiness Requirement: One entrance, to aggregated services across

The eBusiness Result: One entrance, many channels to services

The Solution getAccess

enCommerce Customer Experience Approach

Solution Delivery Approach

enCommerce Professional Services

enCommerce Professional Services

enCommerceÆs Product: getAccess

How getAccess Works

getAccess: Authentication

getAccess: Authentication

getAccess: Authorization

getAccess:Access Control

Rapid Deployment

Scalable Operations

Scalable Operations

New: Product Enhancements

New: Product Enhancements

For More Information Contact enCommerce, Inc.

Author: arthur


Other information:
For more information contact enCommerce, Inc.

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